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What is a Forum?


Invitations are issued to a select group of preeminent advisors or executives in a particular field.



Most forums are limited to 48 participants, although some offer the opportunity for larger groups.



Two days sequestered with the ‘best & brightest’ foster close connections, valuable ideas, and referrals.



Practical discussions and spirited debate are generated at each annual forum amongst a group of highly informed peers.

Quality of Participants

The most experienced professionals take a united approach to tackling “the gray areas” in their specialty.

  • 60+

    Represented at our forums annually

  • 95%
    Average # of participants

    Would refer a matter to a fellow forum member

  • 99%
    average # of participants

    Partner, C-Suite or Specialists

Participants Say


  • Engage in substantive learning alongside distinguished professionals

  • Connect and build a network of like-minded peers either domestically or globally

  • Share and benchmark your approaches while challenging best practices

  • Quality time away from the demands of work to explore key issues with your counterparts

The apex of professional development Our forums

Connection, engagement and excellence across a variety of disciplines. Send us a message or call us today to learn more.